Submit your Abstract:

Authors are invited to submit their abstracts online via the website by October 28th (Mon) 2024. All abstracts must be submitted.

Abstract Submission & Registration System
Abstract Submission & Registration System (AMARYS: operated by JTB Corp.)

*Presenting authors must obtain your own ID by registering at the above site, which is used for abstract submission, registration, and payment for the ISEPD2025.

Abstract style:

One page abstract should be prepared according to the “abstract template (Link)”. Please use the template word file and submit the full body including Title, Authors Name, Affiliation, Corresponding Author, Abstract body, and Keywords.
Only PDF file (*.pdf) less than 10MB is acceptable for the file submission.

Presentation style:

Plenary(PL), Keynote(KN), Invited(IV), Oral(O), and Poster(P) presentations will be delivered. Please note that the PL, KN and IV presentations are invited-only by the organizing committees.

Click here to download Abstract Template (docx)

ISEPD Student Poster Award Nomination:

Student (presenting author only) who wishes to nominate “ISEPD Student Poster Award” is requested to apply when submitting an abstract.